Tuesday March 25, 2020 – 12:15-13:45pm – online
AI and Management Science: A Perspective of New Research Philosophy
Pr. Yeming Gong, emlyon business school
AI is reshaping researching philosophies and methodology of management science. In empirical research, some researchers are asking: whether traditional empirical research based on sampling (compared with big data and AI-based full-size sample) is dying? In analytical modeling, AI-based “heuristics” methods are outperforming “optimal” methods, and scholars are worried whether the era of OR (Operations Research) will finish? In qualitative methods, new methods including robot-aided ethnography, AI archival research, AI-aided grounded theory, and new-generation “text” mining are developing. AI-based “mind-reading” or “face value”, already applied in bank borrower checking and human resource management, is science, or a new version of physiognomy? This seminar discusses new researching philosophies, new methodology, and new researching paradigms of “Artificial Intelligence and Management Science”.
1) I first discuss AI and foundations of management science. I examine new AI-relevant researching philosophies in Social Sciences and particularly study recent new researching paradigms in AI and Economics.
(2)Then I study new AI-based methods in MIS (Management Information Systems) and POM (Production Operations Management).
(3) I present AI and Management Science from a view of Philosophy, including AI and Ontology, Epistemology, Axiology, and Methodology.
(4)Then I present relevant research methodology organized by philosophical stances including Rationalism vs Empiricism, AI and Positivism, AI-based Post-positivism, AI-based Interpretivism, AI-based Phenomenology, AI and Constructivism, AI and Pragmatism, and Realism vs Relativism. Finally, I summarize a new AI-based research onion for management science.
Yeming is a Professor of Management Science, researching the interface of IT and operations, logistics and supply chain management. He is Head of AIM Institute, Director of Business Intelligence Center (BIC), and a full professor. He published 80 articles in journals including Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, IJPR, Transportation Research E, Journal of Economics, Annals of OR, C&IE, JORS, OMEGA, IJIM, IT&People, Computers in Human Behavior, IJHM, JMS, MD, IMDS, IISE Trans., and IEEE Trans.