What is the project about?
This is a call for students with an interest in research to participate in an academic project by Pr. Clément Levallois, Associate Professor at emlyon business school and a member of the AIM Institute.
The project aims at developing a computational method for the identification of emotions in texts, at scale, and in many languages using methods drawn from natural language processing. Such methods exist but are relatively imprecise. The goal is to produce a state of the art solution that fits a variety of business use cases.
What is the contribution by the student?
All students participating in the research project will be presented with the general outline and the different compartments of the research project.
Different roles in the research project will be presented, among which:
- annotating text in multiple languages (students with “rare” native languages are very much welcome!)
- coordinating annotators / quality control
- literature reviews on specific methodological or theoretical aspects of the research project.
The contributions and meetings will be fully remote.
Visit https://nocodefunctions.com which is the web platform that we will use.
Who can apply?
Any student at emlyon business school. There is no pre-requisite in terms of skills or languages.
How can I apply?
Please fill in this form before by December 20, 2022: https://forms.office.com/r/CEm2XWK2T1 (you need to be logged in with your emlyon email to access the form).
Starting in January 2022. You will need to attend one information session at the beginning.
Your contribution can span a couple of hours per week for a month, or more if you wish.
What’s in it for me?
Contributing to this research project will give you a concrete idea of what research consists in, in practice. You will discover what text mining consists in, and will practice it in a research context. It will be useful if you wonder if you wish pursuing a PhD, for instance.
Your contribution will be recognized with a formal letter detailing your contributions, which you can add to your CV.
Depending on the level of your involvement, you might be considered for the role of AIM Institute Student Fellow.
This role does not award ECTS and is not compensated.
You can contact Clement Levallois for more information: levallois@em-lyon.com