AIM Research Center on Quantitative Methods in Business
Financing supply chain resilience
Tuesday 12 November
Room Roland Calori, B3, Lyon campus
Polynomial Optimization Techniques for Machine Learning and Supply Chain Management
Tuesday 24 September
Salle B2-122, Lyon campus
Wage Dispersion from the Cost of Routine: the Role of Workers’ Social Networks
Thursday 19 September
Room Roland Calori, B3, Lyon campus
Data science at Prosol: Exploration of concrete use cases
Tuesday 18 June
Fanjuan Shi
Chief Data Officer, Prosol (Grand Frais)
Sentometrics: An Overview of Methodology and Applications
Tuesday 4 June
from 15:30 to 16:30
David Ardia
Associate Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, HEC Montréal
Calendar Spread Options on Energy Commodities
Thursday 30 May
from 1:15pm to 2:15pm
Carme Frau
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Economics, UIB University of Balearic Islands
Incentive-Compatible and Strongly Fair Cake Cutting
Thursday 23 May
from 1:15pm to 2:15pm
Jens Witkowski
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Management, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Payment for Order Flow and Market Quality: A Field Experiment
Thursday 28 March
from 1:15pm to 2:15pm
Ralf Elsas
Professor of Finance & Banking at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich
Can Investors Curb Greenwashing?
Tuesday 26 March
from 1:15pm to 2:15pm
David Zerbib
Assistant Professor of Sustainable Finance at CREST, ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Climate Impact Investing
Thursday 14 December
from 1:15pm to 2:15pm
Tiziano De Angelis
Associate Professor Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
School of Management & Economics (Dept. ESOMAS)
University of Torino