4th Global Business Intelligence Forum by the AIM Institute x AIMA 24 May 2022,17:15 → 20:30
Are you interested in Artificial Intelligence and new technologies ? Curious to know about the future of AI ? Would you like to meet and network with speakers from companies like Google & IBM, as well as with professors working on AI research at emlyon ?
Then this event is a must-visit for you!
Visit the 4th Global Business Intelligence Forum to network and learn from the leading industry and research professionals in AI, make new student connections, and learn about ways to kickstart your career in the field of AI.
Discover the newly founded AI in Management Association (AIMA) and the ways to get involved. Be sure to enjoy the cocktail at the end of the event and network with the participants !

If you decide to follow the conference on zoom, please indicate it in the registration form. The link will be send few days before the event.