emlyon business school Faculty

emlyon business school faculty

In pulvinar accumsan feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum eleifend nisl in laoreet efficitur. Morbi maximus dolor augue, ac congue eros sodales at. Nunc finibus imperdiet sem id scelerisque. Donec faucibus et velit quis euismod. Nulla ac placerat velit, eu maximus elit. Donec sagittis leo in ex euismod, volutpat ornare turpis pellentesque. Donec pharetra lacinia orci, et molestie magna dictum nec.

Call for Research

While the research centers will grow through a multi-year hiring plan, AIM encourages Professors at emlyon to consider how questions related to the rise and spread of AI and related technologies can be integrated into their research programs. To encourage this, we have developed a Faculty Fellowship Program. The Faculty Fellowship program provides both recognition and support for research related to the mandates of either research center.


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