Prof. Marleen Huysman
Marleen Huysman is Full Professor of Knowledge & Organization at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) of the VU University Amsterdam and is founding director of the KIN Center for Digital Innovation. The cross-disciplinary KIN Center unites over 30 scholars studying the development and use of digital technologies and aims to bring academia and practice closer together.
Prof. Huysman studies how digital technologies induce changes at work and organizations. She employs ethnographic methods, which allows her to build theories on often unexpected findings. To reveal the often-unintended consequences of technologies at work and refute the technological determinism that dominates her field, Marleen has put forward a practice perspective that recognizes the mutual interdependency between the social and the material. She has published in top-tier journals such as MIS Quarterly, Organisation Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Strategic Information Systems and is a frequently invited key note speaker at various conferences and events.