Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Value Creation in Marketing”

Saturday June 22 – 9:00-10:30 – Aula Magna 01
“Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Value Creation in Marketing“
Conference Marketing Science
University Rome 3 – ROME
Goal of this special session id to explore how Artificial Intelligence creates new value layers affecting user behavior, information sharing, experiential engagement, marketing practices and brand equity. More specifically the special session aims to address the following areas of research: – What are the effects of Artificial Intelligence and robotics on the customer experience and service satisfaction? What constructs moderate or mediate this relationship? – How will Artificial Intelligence shape the context for value co-creation? How will it affect resource integration and service for service exchange? – How will machine-human interaction nudge decision-making processes with respect to individual and collective well-being? – What ethical aspects arise from the arrival of Artificial Intelligence?