Implications of AI for Marketing

Monday, Octoberber 7th, 2019 – 19:00-21:00, emlyon business school
Paris campus – Auditorium
15 boulevard Diderot, 75012 Paris
“Implications of AI for Marketing ”
by Prof. Charles HOFACKER
Professor of Digital Marketing Florida State University
Software is becoming sufficiently capable that many analysts are ascribing the word “intelligence” to services provided by software.
In this talk Prof. Charles Hofacker will cover some of the ways in which software-driven intelligence changes the practice of marketing.

Charles F. Hofacker has a Ph. D. in Mathematical Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is Carl DeSantis Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Marketing at the College of Business of Florida State University. He was Visiting Professor at Università Bocconi in Milan, Italy in 2001, 2007 and 2015, and at Northeastern University in 2014. His research interests are at the intersection of marketing and information technology.
Prof. Hofacker’s work in that and other areas has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Psychometrika, Management Science, Journal of Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising Research, and other outlets. He was first Co-Editor then Editor of the Journal of Interactive Marketing from 2009-2014. At the present time he is Associated Editor for Technology, Interactive and Social Media for the Journal of Business Research. Dr. Hofacker is also the moderator of ELMAR, an electronic newsletter and community platform for academic marketing with over 8,000 subscribers.