Thursday, April 15, 2021
Research fellows present their research projects
Artificial Intelligence and SME digitalization: How can B2B SMEs Leverage AI Platforms to Drive Digitalization?
Ruiqi Wei (emlyon business school)
Abstract: This research aims to explore how SMEs can leverage AI platforms to drive digitalization. A case study approach was adopted to investigate this phenomenon. A leading B2B e-commerce platform headquartered in China was selected for this research. Our preliminary findings reveal that an AI platform has a multi-layered modular structure. Depending on the knowledge they possess, different SMEs interact with the platform at different layers to facilitate their digitalization. In these interactions, SMEs play different roles as users, ideators, designers and intermediary. Our research contributes to the B2B platform literature by conceptualizing AI platforms and highlighting the multi-layer architecture. Our research adds to the literature on SME digitalization by uncovering how B2B SMEs can leverage AI platforms to drive their digitalization.

Bio: Ruiqi Wei, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of marketing at EMLYON Business School. His research focuses on B2B marketing and digital technologies in a B2B context.
The influence of robot face and body anthropomorphism in frontline service
Salma André (emlyon business school)
Abstract: Considering the growing deployment of service robots as frontline technologies, this research investigates the effects of robot face and body anthropomorphism on mind perception. Based on an in-depth literature review on anthropomorphism and social robots, we manipulated different factors of the robot humanlike appearance in three between-subject experiments to show the joint and the distinct effects of different factors of the robot humanlike appearance on the robot perceived agency (capacity to act and ability to exercise self-control) and on the robot affective abilities (capacity to feel and sense). The consequent implications on the customer emotional and behavioral response are investigated.

Bio: Salma André is a doctoral student at the AIM Research Center on Artificial Intelligence in Value Creation at EMLYON Business School. Her research focuses on investigating the customer experience with AI solutions and robots.