Episode 2

#2 Why Amazon’s Alexa is Female
About Episode #2: Why Amazon’s Alexa is Female
Why is Alexa female? Why are only 26% of the people working in the field of AI women? What are the consequences of this lack of representation? In this episode of AI LITERACY, we talk to Noelle Silver, founder of Women in AI and Microsoft MVP in AI who has worked at Microsoft, Amazon and IBM. We are discussing how artificial intelligence is adopting stereotypes about the role of women and how a lack of diversity can have a tremendous impact on the success of AI technologies.
About the Speaker:
Noelle Silver is a multi-award-winning technologist, Microsoft MVP – a most valuable professional – in AI and Vice President at ElectrifAi who has built some of the first features of Amazon’s Alexa which millions of people are using today. Next to working for tech giants like IBM, Amazon and Microsoft, she has founded three organizations, the AI Leadership Institute, #Lovefluencers and Women in AI where she empowers women in tech.
Ways to reach Noelle: LinkedIn, Twitter, Noelle’s Website
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7dyL0gLXIRepqFqCIRqesE
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-937783761/2-why-amazons-alexa-is-female
About Us:
AI LITERACY is a podcast series of the AIM Research Center on AI in Value Creation hosted by us, Anna-Regina Entus and Victoria Rugli, two research student fellows at the AIM research center in AI for value creation. Together with guest speakers from around the globe, we are going to help you make sense of AI and share some insights on the latest innovations in the world of artificial intelligence.
Feel free to reach out to us on LinkedIn, in case you have any questions, feedback or a topic you would like us to address!
Anna-Regina Entus & Victoria Rugli.