Episode 3

#3 How a Chatbot Knows What You Want
About Episode #3: How a Chatbot Knows What You Want
How do chatbots know what you want? How sure of your intent does a bot have to be to give you an answer? And are chatbots the solution to personalized cookie-less advertisements?
In this episode of AI LITERACY Robert Redmond, Design Principle and Head of AI Ad Design at IBM Watson gives us an answer to these questions. We talk about how chatbots are built and what types of chatbots there are as well as how conversational marketing is taking the experience of an engaging advertisement to a new level.
About the Speaker:
About Us:
AI LITERACY is a podcast series of the AIM Research Center on AI in Value Creation hosted by us, Anna-Regina Entus and Victoria Rugli, two research student fellows at the AIM research center in AI for value creation. Together with guest speakers from around the globe, we are going to help you make sense of AI and share some insights on the latest innovations in the world of artificial intelligence.
Feel free to reach out to us on LinkedIn, in case you have any questions, feedback or a topic you would like us to address!
Anna-Regina Entus & Victoria Rugli.