Scientific Publications
- Miric Milan, Pagani Margherita, El Savy Omar (forthcoming) “When and Who do platform companies acquire? Understanding the role of acquisitions in the growth of platform companies” MIS Quarterly , Vol. 46 forthcoming
Pagani Margherita, Champion Renaud (Eds.) (forthcoming September 2021) “Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Value Creation, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Pagani Margherita, Champion Renaud (2021) “Comment l’IA peut booster la créativité de votre entreprise” Harvard Business Review France, 26/05, 2021.
Ding, W. and Li, S. (2021), “National Response Strategies and Marketing Innovations during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Business Horizons, 64, 295-306.
Ding, W. (2021), “A Model of Fair and Explainable Artificial Intelligence,” in Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Value Creation, M. Pagani and R. Champion (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, USA.
Ali, M. H. ; Chung, L. ; Kumar, A; Zailani, S. ; Tan, K. H. (2021). A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain : Lessons from Malaysia Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 170.
Ding, W (2020a), “Information Use under Quality Uncertainties and Its Impact on the Digital Goods Production,” in Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, F. J. Martínez-López and S. D’Alessandro (Eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Zhan, Y. ; Chung, L. ; Lim, M. K. ; Ye, F. ; Kumar, A. ; Tan, K. H. (2021). The Impact of Sustainability on Supplier Selection : A behavioural study. International Journal of Production Economic, 236, 12 p.
Yan, Y. ; Ma, X. ; Song, Y. ; Kumar, A ; Yang, R. (Forthcoming 2021). Exploring the interaction and choice behavior of organization and individuals in the crowd logistics, Annals of Operations Research -
Pagani Margherita, Champion Renaud (2021) “Donner du sens au paysage de l’Intelligence Artificielle” Harvard Business Review France
- Surajit Bag, Shivam Gupta, Ajay Kumar, Uthayasankar Sivarajah (2021) An integrated intelligence framework for knowledge creation and B2B marketing rational decision maing for improving firm performance, Industrial Marketing Management, 92, 178-189.
- Palvi, Moisan Frederic, Gonzalez Cleotilde, Dutt,Varun (2020). Learning About the Effects of Alert Uncertainty in Attack and Defend Decisions via Cognitive Modeling. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Goyal Sanjeev, Hernández Penélope, Martínez-Cánovas Guillem, Moisan Frederic, Muñoz-Herrera,Manuel, Sánchez Angel (2020) Integration and Diversity. Experimental Economics.
- Pagani Margherita, Champion Renaud (2020)”Intelligence Artificielle: quelles compétences pour le manager de demain?” Harvard Business Review France, Decembre.
- Pagani Margherita, Champion Renaud (2020) “Making Sense of the AI Landscape” Harvard Business Review, US.
- Pardo Catherine, Ivens Bjorn, Margherita Pagani, (2020). Are products striking back? The rise of smart products in business markets, Industrial Marketing Management 90 (2020) 205–220.
- Cardoso Felipe Maciel, Gracia-Lázaro Carlos, Moisan Frederic, Goyal Sanjeev, Sánchez Angel, Moreno Yamir (2020). Effect of Network Topology and Node Centrality on Trading.Scientific Reports, 10: 9 p.
- Pagani Margherita, Margot Racat, Charles F. Hofacker, (2019). Adding Voice to the Omnichannel and how that Affects Brand Trust, Journal of Interactive Marketing
- Ding W. , Li S. (2018), “Herding in Consumption and Purchase of Digital Goods and Moderators of Herding Bias, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
- Moisan, Frederic, ten Brincke, Robert, , Murphy, Ryan O., , Gonzalez, Cleotilde. 2018. Not all Prisoner’s Dilemma games are equal: Incentives, social preferences, and cooperation.Decision, 5 (4): 306–322 p.
- Aggarwal, Palvi, Moisan, Frederic, , Gonzalez, Cleotilde, , Dutt, Varun. 2018. Understanding Cyber Situational Awareness in a Cyber Security Game involving Recommendations.International Journal On Cyber Situational Awareness, 3 (1): 29 p.
- Godinho Pedro, Moutinho Luiz, Pagani Margherita (2017). A Memetic Algorithm for Maximizing Earned Attention in Social Media. Journal of Modelling in Management.
- Pagani M., Pardo C. (2017). The impact of digital technology on relationships in a business network. Industrial Marketing Management, 67, 185-192.
- Moisan, Frederic, Gonzalez, Cleotilde. 2017. Security under Uncertainty: Adaptive Attackers Are More Challenging to Human Defenders than Random Attackers.Frontiers in Psychology, 8: 10 p.
- Attanasi, Giuseppe, Hopfensitz, Astrid, , Lorini, Emiliano, , Moisan, Frederic. 2016. Social connectedness improves co-ordination on individually costly, efficient outcomes.European Economic Review, 90: 86-106 p.
- Kumar, Ajay, Ravi Shankar, Alok Choudhary, Lakshman S. Thakur (2016) A Big data MapReduce framework for fault diagnosis in cloud-based manufacturing– International Journal of Production Research, Tailor & Francis Journal
- Kumar, Ajay, Ravi Shankar, Roma Mitra Debnath, (2015) Analyzing customer preference & measuring relative efficiency in telecom sector: A hybrid Fuzzy AHP/DEA study, Telematics & Informatics
- Ding, W., Li S. & Chatterjee, P. (2015). Learning User Real-Time Intent for Optimal Dynamic Webpage Transfromation, Information Systems Research, 26(2), 339-359.
- Pagani Margherita (2013) Digital business strategy and value creation: Framing the dynamic cycle of control points, MISQuarterly
- Kumar, Ajay, Ravi Shankar, Lakshman S. Thakur, A Big data driven framework for Condition-based Maintenance Prediction– Journal of Computational Data Science
Special Issue
- Journal of Business Research , Special Issue on “Machine learning in marketing”.
- Annals of Operations Research, Special issue on “Deep Learning Applications in Operations Research”.
March 9, 2021
Amazon, Airbnb, Google… La stratégie d’acquisition à part des plates-formes, The Conversation
December 18, 2019
How the driverless vehicles dilemma highlights wider system safety issues, ITPRO
November 4, 2019
How Artificial Intelligence creates value for Business? Ambition
November 4, 2019
La 5G: une opportunité pour les entreprises, Le Drenche
November 4, 2019
Intelligence Artificielle: quel avantage pour ma PME? Le Mag Éco
September 12, 2019
Forbes - episode "Brand Safety" (Margherita Pagani)
July 15, 2019
VUI (Voice User Interface) role in apps redefined by emlyon study, Visionary Marketing

July 15, 2019
3 examples d’intelligence artificielle et ce n’est pas de la science-fiction, Capital avec Management
June 26, 2019
Companies which use voice plus touch interactions seen as less trustworthy by their users, Interface
May 20, 2019
On vire bien le robot aussi, Makers Stories

April 30, 2019
Does AI has a safety problem, Asean Today
April 17, 2019
Comment les clients perçoivent-ils les robots dans l’hôtellerie ?, Le Media du Tourism Digital
March 25, 2019
How to stop digital transformation from stealing your job, Tech Republic

March 15, 2019
Women Leading The AI Industry: “Without diverse perspectives influencing AI, gender biases will inevitably skew programs, algorithms and the design of robots.” with Margherita Pagani and Tyler Gallagher, Thrive Global
October 4, 2018
Unmasking the Future of Ai in ASEAN - Women's Forum Singapore (Margherita Pagani)
October 01, 2018
Using AI to educate is no longer science fiction