emlyon Prof. Amy Ding was interviewed by Phoenix Media

emlyon Prof. Amy Ding was interviewed by Phoenix Media

emlyon business school is discussing about #ChatGPT actively! Emlyon AIM professor Amy Ding was interviewed by Phoenix Media about the ChatGPT. She mentioned the characteristics of different #language #models and their impact on the #language #dialog #model...
Unmasking the future of AI in ASEAN

Unmasking the future of AI in ASEAN

This distinguished panel of AI experts Margherita Pagani, Professor of Digital Marketing, Emlyon Business School; Ayesha Khanna, CEO, ADDO AI; Steve Leonard, CEO, SGInnovate; Karin Nilsdotter, CEO, Spaceport Sweden; Pierre Robinet, Senior Consulting Partner, Ogilvy...
Using AI to educate is no longer science fiction

Using AI to educate is no longer science fiction

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the educational experience is not a new idea: back in 2012, OnlineUniversities.com, a US blog specializing in further education, offered a list of 10 ways in which AI can reinvent education. Back then, though,...